
Sep 1st Orchestra Concert with Peter and the Wolf Standing room tickets available!

We are happy to announce that Orchestra Concert with Peter and the Wolf standing room tickets will be available on the day of the performance. Due to the sell out of regular tickets, we make standing room available for limited numbers.

Orchestra Concert with Peter and the Wolf Standing Room Ticket Information

Sales start: Sep 1 (Sun) from 1PM at Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre 2nd floor
Tickets: Back area of 2nd floor balcony (L, R) seat map
    Back area of 3rd floor balcony (L, R) seat map
Price: 1000 yen (No child price)
Numbers of Tickets: About 40

* Some area are difficult to see the stage/screen/narrator.
* Children who are short height may have difficulty to see the performance.
* It is standing room ticket. Please refrain from sitting on the area nor bringing chairs.
* The concert will be 90 min long includes 20 min intermission.
* When the numbered tickets are sold out the window closes.
* One person is able to purchase up to 2 tickets at once.
* There is no refund or changing ticket due to viewing condition.

Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival Executive Committee TEL: 0263-39-0001 (Weekday: 9 AM - 6 PM)